we host speakers and events that bring the humanities and civic imagination to bear on public life.

The Forum is a our signature event series that brings people together to explore community issues through the lens of the humanities. Compelling speakers offer insights that challenge who we are and who we what might be. Audiences do something different at the Forum: they engage! The format invites authentic connection that spur ideas and build social trust. We meet every other month in places such as the Bechtler Museum of Modern Art, the
Harvey B. Gantt Center for African-American Art + Culture, and Community Matters Cafe.

Wisdom Wednesday explores the human journey we are all on. It is a mid-day conversation series designed to enrich our thinking and our lives.


upcoming Forum events


What are the myths of modern parenting? What practices give meaning to raising children? Michelle Icard is the author of three bestselling books on parenting and the challenges of raising children today. Tickets: $40



the forum

Wisdom Wednesday


“everyday you play with the light of the universe.”

-pablo neruda

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The Forum

The Forum is a three-part evening event that connects the humanities to the civic enterprise.


The first third of the event audience members build relationships in small groups prompted by a series of questions.


The middle third is a discussion with a guest speaker ending with a question posed to the audience for consideration.


The final third is a facilitated conversation with the audience interrogating the topic and igniting ideas.


Wisdom Wednesday

Wisdom Wednesday is a lunch-hour conversation series that explores the soul of the matter. Hosted by team member Angela Gala, conversations consider the betwixt and between of our human journey.

A mid-day break to enrich your thinking, life, and connections.
