Angela Gala with Catherine Courtlandt McElvane | July 27, 2022

Angela Gala with Catherine Courtlandt McElvane | July 27, 2022


with guest Catherine Courtlandt McElvane

JULY 27 , 2022 | 12 PM | LIVE EVENT

Join Catherine Courtlandt McElvane, multidisciplinary artist and Angela Gala, host of Wisdom Wednesday’s for The Charlotte Center for the Humanities and Civic Imagination, for a discussion on “The Spirit of Creativity.” Regarding creativity the poet Rainer Maria Rilke writes “…it is still not enough to have memories. One must be able to forget them when they are many, and one must have the great patience to wait until they come again. For it is not yet the memories themselves. Not until they have turned to blood within us, to glance, to gesture, nameless and no longer to be distinguished from ourselves — not until then can it happen that in a most rare hour the first word of a verse arises in their midst and goes forth from them.” Is there a spirit to creativity, to creative thinking? How does it impact us, open up our lives, and lend it new meaning?

Catherine Courtlandt McElvane is a multidisciplinary artist and award winning children’s book illustrator whose current passion is the art of tattooing. For over 20 years her day jobs were in program development and grantmaking in the Arts but she always kept painting murals, faces and bodies in addition to illustrating books for kids and adults. The concept of art as a tool for healing was also a big part of her life which led her to train to teach with Youth Meditation and become a Reiki Master. She’s a mother of three and grandmother of two whose second act is creating a level of peace and happiness that she’d always hoped for.

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