The Charlotte Center
for the humanities & civic imagination

where the curious engage for good.


Our mission is to help people and communities flourish. The Charlotte Center accomplishes its mission by bringing people together to explore human flourishing through the lens of the humanities and civic imagination. We seek to deepen
human connection so we might live our best lives.

The more we know about ourselves and each other, the wiser we are in what we do.

upcoming events


Is liberal democracy viable in the 21st century? Legendary New Yorker staff writer Adam Gopnik will delve into the challenges and opportunities facing liberal democracies today. Moderator: Ty Shaffer. Tickets $50

What’s next for art and culture in Charlotte? Just how creative is Charlotte? What’s holding us back and how might we move forward? Priya Sircar offers surprising answers. Moderator: Dae-Lee Arrington. Tickets $25


Watch past Events


“vision is not enough. It must be combined with venture. it is not enough to stare up the steps, we must step up the stairs.”

-vaclav havel



The Humanities

The humanities explore and express the human experience. Poetry, literature, history, philosophy, religion, and the arts help us make sense of our lives. They ask questions about what is good. How should we live. And what is the right thing to do. We find answers in stories. In what we believe. In the things we create. The humanities offer a basis for a different kind of conversation: one that seeks to understand who we are and who we can be.

Civic Imagination

Civic imagination is a process by which citizens envision a better tomorrow and ways to make it happen. It is exercises and prompts that unlock creativity for a more optimum future. Civic imagination helps turn questions into answers and ideas into action.



- maurice sendak



Where the Curious Engage for Good

The Charlotte Ideas Festival is a 6-day festival within the 3-week Charlotte SHOUT! festival that celebrates Food-Art-Music-Ideas. Encounter leading thinkers discussing the most compelling and timely topics. Meet fellow curious people. Participate in great nights of connection and conversation!


Our programs

Our programs are integrated and holistic, moving from experience to action. The Forum is a speaker series that brings people together to build relationships and spur ideas for more flourishing lives; our Civic Reflection program helps people be more engaged; the Charlotte Ideas Festival is a celebration of the humanities and civic imagination; all designed to help people and communities live their best lives.


With gratitude to our Sponsors & partners